Aarhus Universitets segl

Center for Samtidsreligion: Institutionalising transnational clerical authority in contemporary Shi‘ism

Åbent frokostmøde med oplæg v/Elvire Corboz, adjunkt, Arabisk og Islam-studier, Aarhus Universitet

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 3. marts 2015,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Nobelparken, bygning 1453, lokale 415

This presentation explores the processes of continuity and change that have taken place along the institutionalisation of transnational clerical authority in contemporary Shi‘ism. It compares the traditional, informal, system of religious authority – the marja‘iyya – with a cleric-run international charity established in London to fulfil similar functions, in order to also ask about the dynamics of hybridisation that are at work when clerical authority adopts a Western-style NGO structure.