Aarhus University Seal

Centre for Contemporary Religion

Knowledge about contemporary religion and religious practices in Denmark - and elsewhere

Living religion, tradition and transformation  

Living religion manifests itself in multiple ways in different religions and across or outside insti­­tu­tio­nal boundaries. It is reflected in religious practice and theological reflections, in discourses about truth and authority.

Tradition and transformation are important concepts in contemporary society. The centre gives high priority to empirical research and documentation, as well as to theoretical and methodical ap­­proaches to the subject matter.

The Centre for Contemporary Religion (CCR) collects, analyses and disseminates knowledge about contemporary religion and religiosity, both globally and (in particular) nationally.  

The CCR is a collaboration between researchers in religion and theology at the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University’s Faculty of Arts. The centre is also in contact with other research envi­ron­ments at Aarhus University as well as other Danish and international universities.

The researchers at the centre publish research articles and books within the field of contemporary religion, as well as producing online resources such as the e-yearbook on religion in Denmark and other materials.

Research communication is considered an important aspect of the research projects within the centre framework. For example through media contact and relations to upper-secondary schools. All research reports are open to the public.

 Centre director